Core Values & Insignia
Core Values
- Trust in Divinity
- Foster Integrity
- Acquire Competencies
- Strive for Excellence
- Serve the Society

The Insignia symbolizes KNOWLEDGE, SERVICE and LOVE–the core values of St Joseph’s that we practice to internalize the vision each day through every activity of our college.
The BOOK signifies Imparting Knowledge, which enhances the intellectual capacity in theoretical and practical realms to achieve Academic Excellence.
The Lamp signifies dispelling darkness and awakening Josephites to the omniscience of God, thus leading to illuminate a successful home and society.
The Lily signifies love to treat all equally and respect their traditions and culture.
The Path Finders define the unidirectional upward growth of Josephites towards the path of professional success while holding onto the virtues of Knowledge, Service and Love
Code of Conduct
- The College has well constituted regulatory mechanism to ensure that code of conduct spelt out for various stakeholders is monitored.
- The College has disciplinary committee, admission committee, anti-ragging committee, Grievance Redressal committee, examination Committee, SQAC etc., which ensure that there is strict adherence to code of conduct by all stakeholders.
- In addition to this, General staff meetings, HoD’s meetings, department meetings, committee meetings, Parent teachers’ meetings etc. are conducted regularly to ensure that code of conduct is not violated and the college functions smoothly. Code of Conduct - Students
- A Josephite is expected to be courteous in speech and conduct himself/herself with dignity and have professional attitude towards teaching and non-teaching fraternity, which includes maintaining healthy relationship with peers.
- Students must maintain decency and decorum in all their College activities. Students should be polite and courteous in all their interactions with fellow students, faculty and all the college staff.
- A proper Dress Code is to be strictly followed to maintain decency and decorum as the College is a Co-Educational Institution. When in college, or while representing the college, in outside events, students must dress decently and modestly.
- Students are expected to be in their classrooms by 8:25AM, attendance is taken at the start of the class. It is mandatory to maintain 75%.
- The College insists on students wearing ID Cards in the College Campus. It is mandatory that the ID card be produced in all their College transactions.
- Students are not allowed out of the campus during college hours. On emergencies, students are allowed out of the campus only when accompanied by their respective parents or legal guardian after obtaining permission from the Class-In-Charge and the Principal.
- Any sort of lethal weapons are not permitted in the College Campus.
- Students are advised not to bring valuables to the class like expensive Gold Jewelry and large sum of money, etc.
- The Government of Telangana has banned the use of cell phones in the College Campus and hence mobile phone usage is strictly prohibited during class hours or in the corridors. If found being used, the cell phones will be confiscated for the academic year. All communication devices (mobile phones, tablets, etc.) must be switched off during class time.