Vision, Mission & Objectives

 Center For Research & Development


To be recognized as a Center for Excellence in the field of Research and Consultancy


  • To inspire both faculty and students to engage in research and make significant contributions to Institution and Society at large
  • To create conducive environment for enhancing research productivity
  • To encourage collaboration across industry, government, community-based organizations and agencies at Local/National/International level
  • To facilitate greater access to research through mobilization of resources and funds
  • To conduct training programs that focus on developing the research skills and capabilities of faculty and students


  • To develop research competencies among faculty members and students trough exchange of knowledge and resources.
  • To encourage faculty and students for quality publications in high impact National and International journals.
  • To submit research proposals, to state/National/International funding agencies.
  • To organize inter disciplinary/multi-disciplinary National and International Conferences in collaboration with reputed institutions/funding agencies.