College Rules & Campus Culture
In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves? self-discipline with all of them came first."
Harry S. Truman
- Students are expected to be in their classrooms by 8:25AM
- Attendance is taken at the start of the class
Dress Code
A proper Dress Code is to be strictly followed to maintain decency and decorum as the college is a co-educational institution. You are expected to abide by the rules.
Dress Code: Girls
- Shalwar Kameez with Dupatta.
- Jeans with Long Kurthi (Knee level) with Dupatta.
- Sleeveless dresses will not be entertained.
- Hair should not be left loose; it should be properly combed and pinned.
Dress Code: Boys
- Only Formal Shirt and Trousers.
- Jeans with a formal shirt will be allowed provided it is not torn and nothing written on it.
- “College T-Shirt” will be allowed only on Friday
- To have clean shave and neat haircut.
- Ear studs are not allowed.

BBA, BBA (IT) and B.Com (Honors, Professional, IT, IF&A) students should wear college Blazer twice a week (Monday & Wednesday). MBA students have a formal dress code.
- Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes and activities without fail.
- Students should appear for all examinations.
- SMS messages are sent daily to the registered mobile number of the parent/guardian, if the student is absent.
- A minimum of 75% attendance in Theory and Practical’s is required, to appear for the End Semester Examinations.
- Students attending state / national camps / workshops / competitions have to produce the attendance certificate duly signed by the Principal immediately after the completion of the activity.
- Examination forms shall not be issued to students with less than 75% attendance and has to repeat the same semester next year.
- Students taking leave must submit Leave Letters to their class-in-charge stating the reason for their absence duly signed by the parent/guardian
- Leaves of more than 3 consecutive days require Principal’s permission. Students must obtain prior permission before proceeding on long leaves.
- Leaves due to Medical conditions must be substantiated by a doctor’s certificate.
- Only in case of genuine and serious medical conditions an attendance concession up to 10% may be considered for students having 65% attendance by the principal.
Safety and Security
- The college insists on students wearing their ID cards in the college campus. It is mandatory that the ID card be produced in all their college transactions.
- Students are not allowed out of the campus during college hours.
- On emergencies, students are allowed out of the campus only when accompanied by their respective parents or legal guardians after obtaining permission from the class-in-charge and the principal.
- Any sort of lethal weapons are not permitted in the college campus.
- You are advised not to bring valuables to the class like expensive gold jewellery and large sum of money, etc.
College Etiquette
- The Government of Telangana has banned the use of cell phones in the college campus and hence mobile phone usage is strictly prohibited during class hours or in the corridors. If found being using, the cell phones will be confiscated for the academic year.
- All communication devices (mobile phones, tablets, etc.) must be switched off during class time.
- Internet facility provided in the college Library, Labs is only for educational purposes.
- When in college, or while representing the college in outside events, students must dress decently and modestly.
- Students must maintain the decency and decorum in all their college activities.
- Students are to be polite and courteous in all their interactions with fellow students, faculty and all the college staff.
Students enrolled in the College may well appreciate and oblige their responsibilities towards the institution, faculty and other students.
These following actions will be considered as Students’ misconduct
- Falsification of documents or the supplying of false information in order to obtain admission or otherwise.
- Disruption of classroom activities or hindering the learning of other students anywhere in the college.
- Damaging the library books/identity cards etc.
- Cheating during examinations and in any other transactions in the college.
- Behavior, which interferes significantly with college operation, disrupts education and endangers the health and safety of staff/students or causes damages to college property.
- Possession/use of intoxicating items on campus is a serious offence and liable to suspension.
- Possession/use of illicit drugs/liquors and drug peddling on campus.
- Smoking in the campus.
- Getting into heated arguments or fight with the fellow students, faculty, non teaching staff and support staff.
- Inviting/meeting strangers in the college without prior written permission from the Principal.
- Failure to return borrowed material or settle debts with the college.
- Any form of misbehavior viz., Eve teasing/Ragging etc. will be firmly dealt with as per institution /Govt. rules. [Ragging is prohibited within or outside of any Educational Institution in TS State (Act 26 of 1997)].
Note: College property is common property. If any fixture or equipment is damaged the student/students have to restore the damage, if not identified the entire cost will be deducted from caution deposit of the students of the respective class/section.
Disciplinary Measures
Non-compliance and violation of rules of discipline may attract disciplinary action.
- A reprimand / warning.
- Withdrawal from a particular class or course.
- Suspension/Expulsion from the college.
- Withholding of official transcripts.
- Suspension of College privileges.
- Other disciplinary action, which the college authorities deem appropriate under the circumstances.
Transfer and Bonafide Certificates
- Those applying for T.C should submit a written requisition along with the attestation of parents’ approval. Fee Clearance receipt, No due certificates from the Library, Lab and the respective department, should be handed over along with a requisition letter at the office. The T. C will be issued after 3 days on submission of the requisition letter but not earlier.
- Bonafide Certificate will be issued on submitting the requisition and producing the College I.D. Card. Misuse of Bonafide Certificate is an offence and will be strictly dealt with.
Payment of College Fees
- Fees once paid will not be refunded
- Part payment of fee is not accepted.
- The names of the students, who are either absent for a long duration or not paid the fee will be struck off from the rolls and they have to seek re-admission.
- Those who intend to discontinue a particular course during the middle of the academic year or before the completion of the course will have to pay the entire course fee.
- Payment of Semester II fees by 24th Nov 2016.