Best Practices 2022-2023


Title of the Practice: Bridging Academia and Industry: Enhancing Skills, Employability, and Global Standards through Industry-Academia interface.

Objectives of the Practice:

  1. To bridge the gap between academia and industry through regular interactions and collaborations aiming at skill enhancement & employability 
  2.  To offer  diversified programs and courses to meet global standards
  3. To enhance the relevance and applicability of the curriculum by incorporating multidisciplinary,  interdisciplinary and value added courses aligning to industry needs

Context: In the dynamic realm of education and industry, it is imperative for educational institutions to adapt their curricula to meet the challenges  of emerging trends and  changing demands of the industry requirement. This practice recognizes the need for a dynamic curriculum which is application oriented and industry relevant  for skill development  that goes beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries and prepares students for the challenges of the industry. A Multi- disciplinary/interdisciplinary approach widens the student’s perspectives in the domain area. Interdisciplinary and skill enhancement courses have been introduced with a view to enhance the employability and research aptitude, providing wider options for students to pursue higher studies and research and also help them in clearing competitive examinations.

The Practice

The institution has implemented a comprehensive approach to curriculum design and development, with a strong emphasis on fostering an active industry-academia interface. This involves regular Industry-Academia meets, a well-structured feedback mechanism, and proactive measures to incorporate industry perspectives into the curriculum.

Industry-Academia Meets:  Industry Academia annual meetings  are conducted prior to the Board of Studies  meetings to discuss the latest trends, technological advancements, and skill requirements in the industry. These interactions  between the experts of Academia and industry provide valuable insights that are used to update and modify the curriculum to make it industry relevant .

Well-Structured Feedback Mechanism: Feedback from recruiters and industry experts is integrated into a structured feedback mechanism, which also includes input from academicians, students, parents, and alumni, to facilitate the development of an enriched, industry-relevant curriculum. The feedback is analyzed, and necessary changes are incorporated.

Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with Reputed Institutions:

The institution has established MoUs with reputed institutions and industry players, fostering collaborations that contribute to curriculum designing,  development and implementation. These partnerships provide opportunities for  skill enhancement, joint research, faculty exchange, and exposure to industry best practices.  

Programmes with innovative curriculum designed collaborating with industry partners

  • B. Com International Finance & Accounting  with Association of Chartered Certified 

Accountants & International Skill development Development Corporation  

  • BBA (Business Analytics) in collaboration with Miles education 
  • BBA (Financial markets) in collaboration with NSE India Ltd 

MoUs  for Value added courses/certificate courses 

  •  Inkwall, Technologies Pvt LTd for 2D game development 
  • Pathway career consultancy for data analytics with R, Tally
  • NSE Academy ltd- basics of capital markets
  •  Excelytics for cyber security, DABDM, Tableau,  HR Analytics
  • Skill stride Academy Pvt.Ltd for digital marketing, GST, MS Excel 
  • Agfor for Finance Analytics, HR, 
  • Michel Monterio for photography 
  • Klee Technologies for self-management and communication skills 
  • NASCOM for web developer , 
  • Cyberages IT Solutions for Azure, AWS, Cyber security, digital marketing etc.

In addition to significant industry collaborations for curriculum design and development, our academic and extension programs  are enriched from industry engagement, providing experiential learning opportunities through activities such as industry visits, internships, pre-placement training, guest lectures, and other extension activities. Industry alumni actively contribute to the academic excellence of their alma mater by conducting pre-placement talks, delivering guest lectures, facilitating workshops, and offering valuable referrals.

Evidence of Success:

  • Global Rankings: The institution has been recognized globally, with 11 global rankers from the IFA program.
  • Students successfully cleared the professional exams like Chartered Accountant ,  Company Secretary.
  • A significant achievement is 54% registered students securing employment in reputed organizations.
  • Stakeholder satisfaction: Surveys and feedback from students, faculty, and industry partners indicate high satisfaction levels with the curriculum, validating its effectiveness.
  • Growing   Demand for these courses.
  • Best college ranking across disciplines by various survey magazines.(Ranks and Recognition’s – St. Joseph’s Degree & PG College (

Problems Encountered:

  1. It is challenging to find academicians with industry experience. 
  2. Some faculty members may initially resist changes to the curriculum, emphasizing the need for training for the new courses
  3. Commitment and focus of students.
  4. Being a self financed college  it is challenging to meet the expectations of the resource persons from the industry. 
  5. Adherence to the Academic calendar and college timings is challenging. 
  6. Need based specialized course is expensive

Resource Constraints: Adequate resources, both human and material, are essential for implementing a dynamic curriculum. Resource constraints may pose challenges in incorporating necessary updates.

Ensuring Sustainability: Maintaining the momentum of industry-academia collaborations and ensuring the sustainability of these initiatives over time requires continuous effort and commitment.


In conclusion, the integration of an industry-academia interface in curriculum design and development is a best practice that positions the institution to produce graduates who are not only academically proficient but also well-equipped for the demands of the ever-evolving industry. The evidence of global recognition, high placement rates, and stakeholder satisfaction, consistent demand reflects the success of this practice in achieving its objectives. Addressing challenges such as resistance to change and resource constraints is crucial for sustaining and further enhancing the effectiveness of this innovative approach.

Best Practice II

Title of the Practice: Transformative Impact: Empowering Students Through Civic Engagement and Gender Sensitization Programs

 Objectives of the practice:

  1. To inculcate Social awareness, gender equity, universal values of love and brotherhood and environmentally responsible behavior amongst students.
  2. To nurture and sensitize students on their citizenship roles so as to involve them in social service and nation building.
  3. To involve the students in awareness programmes for grooming them as agents of social transformation.

The Context:

Despite rapid advancements in science and technology, India continues to grapple with several challenges, including poverty, excessive consumerism, declining values, social exclusion, inequality, low literacy rates, and environmental degradation. The value of higher education in India would diminish unless community engagement becomes an integral part of the educational process, aiming to create a fairer and more sustainable world. 

St.Joseph’s College is a Catholic and Christian minority Educational institution founded in 1997 with the motto “Love, Knowledge, Service” for the holistic development of its students. Driven by the goals of higher education in India, The College’s Centre for Social Transformation excels in its dedication to cultivating a comprehensive educational atmosphere that goes beyond mere academic accomplishments.. By prioritizing objectives such as social awareness, gender equity, and environmental responsibility, the institution embodies a progressive approach towards education. Through initiatives aimed at nurturing citizenship roles and engaging students in social service, the institution not only educates but also empowers future generations to become active agents of positive change. By instilling universal values of love and brotherhood, the Centre for Social Transformation is not just shaping students academically but also morally, contributing significantly to the betterment of society.

The Practice

Centre for Social Transformation being  an integral part of the College vision “To create a Distinctive environment of excellence in Education with humane values and social commitment”  extends its impact across various sectors including education, healthcare, and social welfare. Initiatives like computer literacy programs for government school children, Vidyadhan for underprivileged children, and sanitation and hygiene awareness campaigns demonstrate its commitment to community development. Notably,  the students actively engaged with local communities, addressing issues such as slum development and education accessibility. Other activities such as campus cleanups, commemoration events, traffic awareness drives, and medical camps further underline the institution’s dedication to social transformation. Additionally, blood donation camps organized by the Youth Red Cross Wing exemplify its commitment to humanitarian causes.

The Women Empowerment Cell of the College, envisioned to empower women for a life of equality, empowerment, personal enhancement and professional success, conducts various awareness health camps, legal, entrepreneurship, defense techniques, etc., Committed to sensitize people towards gender discrimination and elimination of gender-based violence, the cell organizes street plays, flash mobs, runs, etc in collaboration with She teams, Telangana Cyber  police, etc

JGG creates awareness among the students and society about various environmental issues and eco-friendly practices for a sustainable environment. The  environment promotion programmes conducted in collaboration with GHMC, twin cities pollution board committee etc. include Haritha Haram, say no to plastic,   competition in making Eco-Friendly Ganesha , Seminar on “ Climate Change – Science , impact and solutions”, Active farming, Free Pollution Check etc.

Evidence of Success

  • The evidence of success is seen in a perceptible internalization of values and character building as result of their continuous participation in civic engagement activities. It is observed that 98% of students participate every year in outreach programmes.
  • 80% student participation on JSR Day. 
  • Students as a part of JSR DAY  on 4th February, visited nearly 20 orphanages/old age homes/schools etc. and contributed generously.    Student interface with the needy on JSR day marks a life transforming experience as recorded by most students who are visibly moved to tears at the end of the day spent with inmates of old age homes, destitute, physically and mentally disabled. The lasting impact of this experience is seen, as most of them make it a practice to go back to celebrate their birthdays etc.
  • The gender sensitization programmes   have a  decisive impact on the girls’ students, making them confident and competitive to emerge successful in facing the challenges in career and life.
  • The JGG programmes and the  environment promotion activities including awareness programmes have created a successful impact in adopting certain practices like avoiding plastic cups, disposable bottles, eco-friendly Ganeshas, giving sampling as Mementos, paper bags for prospectus etc.
  • Organized Blood donation camps and Free vaccination drive for the general public collaborating with NGOs. 

Problems Encountered and Resources Required

  1. There are often limitations faced in generating the required resources to operate the various outreach programmes.
  2. Persuading the parents for the implementation of outreach programmes outside the college schedule was difficult.
  3. To augment the alternate energy sources across the campus buildings requires large expenditures, which is difficult to raise, being a self financed institution.
  4. Implementation of absolute paperless office is challenging.
  5. Ensuring sustained interest and commitment to volunteerism and community service.
  6. It is difficult to motivate the academically inclined students & faculty for non-academic assignments.
  7. Coordination and timely permission with concerned authorities is a little bit challenging .



In fostering social awareness, gender equity, and environmental responsibility in students, St. Joseph’s College exemplifies a commitment to holistic education and societal betterment. Through targeted initiatives and immersive experiences, the institution cultivates a deep-seated understanding of social issues, promotes equality among genders, and instills a sense of duty towards environmental stewardship. By integrating these values into the educational fabric, the college not only educates but empowers future leaders to catalyze positive change in their communities and beyond