Anti Ragging Committee

As per the notification in regard to prevention and prohibition of ragging in the University and UGC act, the committee has been constituted to prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging including any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student, or indulging in unfair means or undisciplined activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension. Thereof in any fresher or any other student or asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student, with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student, in all higher education institutions in the country, and thereby, to provide for the healthy development, physically and psychologically, to all students. To achieve these objectives the committee has been constituted.
- In cast of emergency the students / parents in distress owing to ragging may use National Anti Ragging Helpline 1800-180-5522 (Toll Free) Website :, Email : [email protected] and Mobile No. 09871170303, 09818400116 (only in case of emergency)
- Ragging is totally banned in the College and anyone found guilty of ragging and/or abetting ragging is liable to be punished as it is a criminal offence.
Anti Ragging Committee
- Rev. Fr. K. Marreddy– Convenor
- Rev. Fr. Dr. Sunder Reddy
- Rev. Fr. Uday Bhaskar
- Mrs. Radha Kesani- Co-Convenor
- Mrs. Pauline Rajamani Joseph
- Dr. K. Sridhar Reddy
- Ms. Neela Chakravarthy
- Mr. M. Sravan Kumar
- Mr. K. Laxmaiah, SI Abids Police Station
- Mrs. Ragini, Parent Mr. P. Ganesh Anand
- 2 student Coordinators
Anti Sexual Harassment Cell
- Dr. M. Sangeetha - Convenor
- Mrs. Haripriya
- Mrs. R. Sree Lakshmi
- Mrs. Sarika Verma
Anti Sexual Harassment Cell
- Rev. Fr. K. Marreddy –Convenor
- Dean, Student Affairs
- SQAC Co-ordinators
- SQAC Office Bearers
1) Pledge : On 2nd August, 2018 ANTI RAGGING COMMITTEE of St. Joseph’s degree and PG College made a pledge on anti ragging.
- The pledge was taken during the break time i.e., @ 11 : 00 am.
- The pledge was announced by Rev. Fr. Vincent Arokia Das.
- Arjun Joshi & Tanmai from Bcom computers 3d have initiated the pledge in the public address system
- Students in classes have taken the pledge.
Vote of Thanks was given by Rev. Fr. Vincent Arokia Das.
2) Sign up board : On 2nd August, 2018 ANTI RAGGING COMMITTEE of St. Joseph’s Degree and PG College arranged a sign up board.
- There was a sign up board put up in the college premises during break time i.e., @ 11:00 am.
- Students from all the years and all the streams have signed on that board.
- By signing on that board students assure a ragging free campus.
3) Poster making competition : On 2nd August, 2018 ANTI RAGGING COMMITTEE of St. Joseph’s Degree and PG College conducted a poster making competition promoting no ragging campus.
- The event started at 2 : 00 pm in Joseph hall.
- Students from different streams participated in the event.
- The event was hosted by Sourab Sharma.
- Judges were Aparna Rajhans mam from languages department and Shanti Kiran mam from commerce department.
Names of the Students | Prize |
Group No 15
1. Mokshit – B.Sc 3 A 2. Janki – B.Sc 3 B |
First Prize |
Group No 11
1.Rachana – B.Com 3 A 2.Mahima – B.Com 3A |
Second Prize |
Group No 13
1. Rithika – B.Com 2 IFA 2. Saloni – B.Com 2 IFA |
Third Prize |
4) Flash Mob : On 3rd August, 2018 ANTI RAGGING COMMITTEE of St. Joseph’s Degree and PG College performed a flash mob promoting anti ragging campus.
- Flash mob started during the break time i.e., @ 11 : 00 am.
- Students from 1st 2nd and Final years performed in the flash mob.
- The main theme of the flash mob was to promote a ragging less campus.