Library Events

Events and Activities 2019-20
Library Week Activities
Library Committee of St. Joseph’s Degree & PG College conducted the Library Week from 19th to 22nd August 2019 to commemorate the Birthday of Padma Shri. S.R. Ranganathan Chary, Father of Library Sciences in India. Committee arranged the following events with the help of student Coordinators and Volunteers.
The details of events and competitions: Â Â
Student Coordinators | Judge |
19.08.2019 |
Book Donation Camp
Mrs. Urmila / Mr. Joseph |
Sree Lakshmi Harry B.Jacob |
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20.08.2019 |
Mrs. Padmaja Mrs. Padmasri |
Sree Lakshmi Harry B.Jacob |
Mrs. Rana Anjum |
21.08.2019 |
Creative  writing competition |
Mrs. Padmasri Mrs. Urmila |
Sree Lakshmi Harry B.Jacob |
Mrs. Rana Anjum |
22.08.2019 |
Book Exhibition
Mrs. Urmila Ms. Sailakshmi Mr. Joseph |
Sree Lakshmi Harry B.Jacob |
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23.08.2019 |
Book Distribution Camp
Mrs. Urmila / Mr. Joseph |
Sree Lakshmi Harry B.Jacob |
—- |
Book Donation:
On 19th August 2019 Library committee of St. Joseph’s Degree and PG College conducted Book Donation program in which Faculty donated books there Old & New books.
- The event started at 1:30pm
- The students also joined the program
- We distributed books to the students who were interested in reading & gaining knowledge.
Year Name Class Prizes Roll No      3rd Year J. Kim Chelsea 3 Honors First 121417407018  1st Year
 Eshika Gupta
 1 Honors
2nd Year K.Nikitha BA (MCJ) Third 121418400017 Â Â Â Â Â
JAM Session:
On 20th August 2019 Library committee conducted Jam session in Library and many students participated in the program.
- The event started at 1:30pm
- Many students participated in the event from various classes.
- Spot topic was given to the students.
- Students also actively spoke on the topic given to them and we also had 1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes.
Creative writing:Â
On 21st August 2019 Library committee conducted Creative Writing competition in Library and many students participated in the program.
- The event started at 1:30pm
- Many students participated in the event from various classes.
- Topic given to the students for writing was on
- Students also actively wrote on the topic given to them and we also had 1st ,2nd & 3rd prizes.
Year | Name | Class | Prizes | Roll No |
 |  |  |  |  |
1st Year | Kashish | 1 Honors | 1st Prize | 121419407019 |
2nd Year | Erum Fatima | IFA 2 | 2nd Prize | 121418409045 |
3rd Year | John Isaac | Bsc MSCS | 3rd Prize | 121418468027 |
 |  |  |  |  |
Book Exhibition:
On 22nd August 2019 Library committee conducted Book Exhibition in Library and many students attended the program from various courses.
- The event started at 1:30pm
- Many students participated in the event from various courses.
- Books were displayed in the Library for students to know the collection of books.
- Many students gone through the books and gained knowledge.
- Students came to know about their Subject, Author and there Publisher.
- Many Publishers attended the program like Kalyani Publishers, Himalaya Publishers, Tata Mc Grew, Sultan Chand & Black Swan.
 Orientation program 2019-20
The St. Joseph’s Degree & PG College Library has conducted an orientation program for the first year students on 10th & 11th July 2019.The Program started with a prayer by Rev Fr. Vinaya Bhasker Dean academics. As part of the program, the students were taken on a tour to visit the library during which they were informed about the library facilities, rules & regulations, resources and the best practices employed for maximum utilization of the library helping them understand their library better. Library rules, Best Practices employed and the various facilities to be availed by students.
Members of the Library Committee:
Mrs. Urmila Devi (Convener)
Mrs. Padma Sri
Mrs. Padmaja
Mr. N. Srikanth
Ms. Sai Laxmi
Mr. Vivek
Mr. Joseph Anthony
 Student Co – ordinators :
Susrutha Ruth
Library Workshop on effective use of E-Resources & Search Strategies Â
DATE: 8th February 2019Â Â
VENUE: St. Joseph’s Degree & PG College (Jubilee Hall)
The Department of Library Science of St. Joseph’s Degree & PG College conducted a workshop on Effective Use of Electronic Resources and Search Strategies.
The Inaugural session started at 9:30 AM with prayer and lighting of the lamp by our Principal Rev. Fr. Dr. Vincent Aarokiadas and the dignitaries of the inaugural session i.e., Chief Guest, Dr. G. Srinivas, Joint Secretary, UGC and Guests of Honour, Dr. A.S Chakravarthy, Assistant Professor, Department of Library – Osmania Univerity and Mr.P. Ramesh, Chief Technical Officer, Department of Library – Osmania University. Our Principal, addressed the gathering and declared the workshop open.
Chief Guest, Dr. G. Srinivas addressed the gathering and discussed about e- resources as a contemporary topic .He mentioned about the differences in past and present libraries and their impact on users. He stated that library is the heart and soul of every institution. He concluded by saying that learning has no age limit and one should continue to learn and also use the libraries available, to its best. Guest of Honour Dr. A.S. Chakravarthy discussed on effective use of E-Resources and Search Strategies. Guest of Honour P.Ramesh also addressed the gathering. The dignitaries were felicitated with mementos and the inaugural concluded at around 10:30 AM.
The technical session 1 commenced at 11 AM by Dr. A.S Chakravarthy who spoke about World Wide Consortia (WWC) on how they control and remove inactive websites. He insisted on using for research related purpose instead of
At 11:45 AM Session 2 was taken by Mr. P. Ramesh on Citation Styles & Reference Management. He started with a quote of Mark Twain which was followed by information on different kinds of digital resource formats available. He spoke about the differences between Free Web Library Resources and Databases. A discussion on planning for search techniques which included types of databases, bibliographies was very informative. He presented information on Citation System and introduced us to Mendley and Zotero.
At 12:45 PM Session 3 was started by Dr. A.S. Chakravathy. He mentioned and spoke about various types of plagiarism and also about various software which can detect  plagiarism. He also discussed about consequences of plagiarism which can lead into destruction of a student’s reputation, academy reputation followed by huge penalties. He concluded by quoting, “If you steal from one author, its plagiarism. If you steal from many it’s research” by American Playwrights. The session was followed by lunch break at 1:30 PM, and later continued with practical work on E-Resources, lnflibnet, N-List & Delnet by Dr.A.S.Chakravarthy & Mr.P.Ramesh.
The Valedictory session commenced at 4:30 PM by welcoming and honouring the dignitaries. The Principal gave his Presidential address followed by address by Mr.Ravi Gugulothu, chief guest for the valedictory session. The Guest of Honour, Mr.Sudhershan Rao also addressed the gathering and emphasized on the importance of E-Resources in this modern day world. The participants gave a verbal feedback and expressed that this workshop has added a lot of knowledge to their knowledge bank with regard to E-Resources. The participants were looking forward to many more sessions of this kind. The feedback session was followed by Certificate Distribution to the participants and later with felicitation of the dignitaries. Mrs.K.Radha, Convenor of the Library Committee proposed vote of thanks which was followed by the National Anthem.
Book Exhibition 2018-2019
It was not less than a grand feast for the enthusiastic readers as St. Joseph’s College organized book exhibition in the college premises on 23rd and 24th January ,2018 at Main Campus (4th Floor) & Extended Campus (3rd Floor) on 25th January2018.
Day 1: 23/Jan/2018Â Â & Day 2: 24/Jan/2018
            Which was inaugurated by Principal Rev. Fr. Vincent Arokiadas & Rev. Fr. Thumma Soloman & Dr. S. P. Jaiswal, Mrs. Urmila Devi, Mr. Henry Austin, Mr. P. Joseph Christopher, Ms. Neha (Student) along with senior faculty members (Mrs. Aparna Rajhans, Mrs. Padmasri, Mrs. S. Regina, Mr. K. Srinivas Reddy, and Mrs. Aarati Samala), Library staff & library committee.
While addressing the august gathering principal Rev. Fr. Vincent Arokiadas highlighted books are mirror of one’s soul which enrich the mind, soothe the heart and that the books are the best friends of human beings. Knowledge is power which can be only gained by adopting habits of reading good books. The book Exhibition provided a platform for students as well as faculties to directly interact with different publishers. Nearly 2500, students of Ist year to Final years ( All Streams) witnessed book Exhibition with great enthusiasm & interest Mrs. Urmila Devi   Librarian & Mrs. Radha K welcomed all the publishers along with members of Library & Library Committee .
There were 13 Publishers who displayed their books on various areas such Commerce’s, Mathematics’ & Physic, Computers & Management, Mass Com, Prominent Publishers’ such as NEW AGE PUBLISHERS, PEARSON,HIMALAYA PUBLISHERS,KALYANI PUBLISHERS, S. CHAND PUBLISHERS,BOOK & ALIEAD,PRINCETON ,LAXMI BOOK DISTRIBUTORS,JAI CO,PHI,TATA MC GRAWHILL,CMH,SAGE,WILLEY Etc Interacted with students & faculties with great zeal & no of books were ordered by faculties .
The event was organized in order to bring outer Exposure to its students to sow the seed of interest & to enhance their knowledge, hence the event turned out to be a Grandeur success.
Day 3: 25/Jan/2018
Which was inaugurated by Mrs. Mary Francina, Mr. Henry Austin, Mrs. Urmila Devi, Mr. Dr. Nagunuri Srinivas and Ms. Adeeba and Mrs. Aparna Rajhans (Student) along with senior faculty members, Library staff & library committee.
Members of the Library Committee:
- Mrs. Urmila Devi (Librarian)
- Mr. Henry Austin (Librarian)
- Mr. P. Joseph Christopher (Asst. Librarian)
- Mrs. Kesani Radha (Convener)
- Mr. Gosar Virendra K (Member)
- Mrs. Nampally Lakshmi (Member)
- Ms. Smrithi Nagsria (Member)
Student Co-ordinators:
- Mr. Deepak Kumar
- Mr. Bharath Reddy
  Book Exhibition 2018 Gallery
Events And Activities from 2014 to 2017Â