Joseph’s Social Responsibility (JSR)


To Serve the Society in All Needed Situations and Stand as a Helping Hand


  • Inculcating the “Spirit of Service” among the students.
  • Encouraging their “Social Attitude”.
  • Reminding about their “Social Responsibility” towards “HUMANITY”.


  • As a social worker, to be honest, loyal and dedicated to the services rendering.
  • To make the “Services to the society” as a part of our life.
  • Bring awareness among the people that there is a helping hand in needed situations.


Empowering Youth

Josephs Social Responsibility in collaboration with IQAC & NSS conducted a walk from People' s Plaza to Sanjeevaiah Park on the eve of National Youth Day with a theme "Empowering Youth: Breaking Chains of Mobile Addiction and Negative Social Media Impact" on 12th Jan 2024

Blanket Distribution Drive

The Joseph's Social Responsibility Committee undertook a compassionate initiative with the successful execution of a "Blanket Distribution Drive" on the 19th and 20th of December 2023. The event aimed to extend warmth and support to those in need during the winter season. The committee is delighted to share that, with the generous support of the Students, a substantial amount of Rs. 40,000 was collected, enabling the distribution of approximately 200 blankets across the city Hyderabad.