MOU's & Testimonials
Academic Year 2023-2024
S.No | MOU Name | MOU Document |
1 | Aleap-India | Click Here |
2 | Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential Degree College For Womenn | Click Here |
3 | Skill Ride Academy Pvt.Ltd | Click Here |
4 | National Association Of Software and Service Companies | Click Here |
5 | GoTraining India | Click Here |
6 | Global Degrees | Click Here |
7 | Live Forever Academy | Click Here |
8 | CL's Dance Studio | Click Here |
9 | Shree Information Technology and Educational Services (SITES) | Click Here |
10 | Institute of Public Enterprise | Click Here |
11 | Voice 4 Girls | Click Here |
12 | Department of Physical Education, OU | Click Here |
13 | Agfor Systems Pvt. Ltd | Click Here |
14 | Miles Education Pvt. Ltd. | Click Here |
List of MOU's
What our Stakeholders says...

Josephs college is one of the finest colleges in the twin cities for academics and extracurricular activities. This college inspired me to be the best version of myself. Faculties always treated me very well and their enormous support has flourished me. I found sympathetic seniors, beautiful campus, quality education and friends for life here. Being a student core coordinator for cultural committee and Josephiesta made me a responsible person. The best part about this Josephs college was JSR (Josephs Social Responsibility) activity, where students along with faculty members help the needy with every possible means.
- Mr. Manish, (B.Sc Student)

I’m Mr.Aditya Shekar studying B.Com (Honors) final year of 2015-2018 batch. St. Josephs Degree & PG College is a place with unique amalgamation of cultures which come together to create life altering experience. It is a place where challenges and competition are confidence boosters and where passion is respected and dreams are shaped. The memories and bonds formed are ones which you will treasure for life.
- Aditya Shekar (B.Com Student)

Joseph's bring in all the amazing opportunities to your footsteps, let it be a course of web designing, tally or English communications skill. Not just towards academics but it also take care of a student's extra curriculum activity. Joseph's is like a big magic box, it brings in new surprises to you, but there it goes., you should have that enthusiastic nature to grab every opportunity provided to you and make best use out of it. we have an excellent faculty, who always encourages us. My lectures have taught me that the real competition is not with me and other student of the class. The competition is between me and the person who stands opposite to me in the mirror. They always make sure that I'm a better person than who I was yesterday.
- Diksha Sharma (MBA Student)

I’m Mrs. Pravin, mother of Miss. Ravin of B.Com (Honors) from 2014-2017 batch. I have found that St.Josephs Degree & PG College offers quality based education to students. Various academic and extracurricular activities are helping students to progress in many fields. It has also enabled them to know their potential. I hope that the College continues to maintain the same and scale to greater heights in the years to come.
- Mrs. Pravin (Parent)

I Mr.Pavan Tourani really feel proud to be a commerce graduate from St. Joseph’s Degree & PG College. I studied B.Com (General) of 2009-2012 batch and after completing three years, I felt confident, motivated and my career had a focused direction. The faculty are truly exceptional and are committed to the success of students. I could build a great rapport with all the lecturers and I became the favourite one. The College has very good infra structure be it Labs, Library, Chapel hall etc. The Placement Cell is helpful to students and I was the first one to get placed from our batch. I can’t afford to forget the best times spent at college especially “Josephiesta”, Academic and Cultural fest which was conducted for the first time in the College by our batch. I just go nostalgic and I wish to be associated with Joseph’s family in future also. Thank you Joseph’s and the amazing faculty.
- Pavan Tourani (Alumni)

I have been associated with St. Joseph’s Degree & PG College from a very long time. It was the Principal who asked me to join the institution to help establish new courses (MA Mass Communication and MBA). I am happy to claim that we have outdone our expectations. Today, within a short span of time, St. Joseph’s has managed to become the destination of choice for students of Journalism and management in South India. We get applications from all over the country and our courses are running at full capacity. This would have not been possible without the support and encouragement of the management that has provided faculty an unparalleled degree of freedom to innovate. The sheer diversity of courses and the dynamic nature of the institution is proof of St. Joseph’s success. I am very confident that it will touch greater heights in the coming years.
- PLV (Professor)

I am proud to be an ex-Josephite. When I joined the college, I had little idea about the field of Mass Communication. But thanks to my faculty, who went out of the way to guide me, and provided firsthand experience of the media industry. The College has the faculty which can inculcate the kind of attributes required for a person to flourish in this practical world. The more you involve yourself in the college, the more you can learn.
- Mr. Pranith Kumar (Alumni)

The best thing about the Dept. of Mass Communication at St. Joseph’s is the exposure it provides to students. I really enjoy the hands-on-training sessions we have in the studio. The industry visits organized to various newspaper offices and television studios have been a high point for me. Interacting with industry experts is something that I always look forward to. I feel that our college faculty is the best as they come up with better ideas of teaching every time especially our Mass Communication faculty.
- Mr. R Ritesh (BA II Student )

It’s been a pleasure knowing the Dept. of Mass Communication & Journalism at St. Joseph’s Degree & PG College. They are always looking to improve the quality of curriculum and pedagogy. I have been part of several programs organized by the Dept. and I see a hunger for excellence in them. They will certainly go a long way in the years to come with the innovative and industry-centric teaching methodologies they have adopted.
- Prof. Stevenson (Academician, Osmania University )

It’s one of the leading Departments of the Twin Cities. The infrastructure and syllabus devised by the faculty is of the highest quality when it comes to Television and Film Making. I have interacted with the students and it’s obvious that they are equipped with the right skills to make a mark as professionals.
- Ms. Nidhi Gupta (Sr. Sub-Editor, Deccan Chronicle)

It is a matter of great pride that my ward is enrolled in St. Joseph’s Degree & PG College. We always knew that it was one of the leading educational institutions in the Twin Cities. The focus that the college places on both academics and extracurricular activities is commendable. Our son got the chance to participate in multiple events and visited a number of channels and studios as part of the course. It has been great interacting with the faculty and the management who are open to ideas and encourage students to explore new avenues. St. Joseph’s should carry on with such programs and help youngsters achieve their true potential.