Mathematics & Statistics

Department of Mathematics & Statistics

About Us
  • The Department of Mathematics was established in the year 1997 with the objective of popularizing Mathematics among the students and to encourage research in mathematics, to strengthen the inculcated basic concepts of mathematics to students, to enhance the arithmetic ability of students.
  • The department designed the curriculum for the existing courses to suit the emerging needs of the students.

To strive for excellence in Mathematical sciences that ignites students for interdisciplinary domains.

  • To develop analytical skills and logical acumen for problem solving.
  • To provide excellent knowledge of Mathematical sciences for suitable career and groom them for National recognition.
  • To make the students savvy in data analytics.
  • To train the students for interdisciplinary applications and research.
  • To build life skills through value-based education and service-oriented programs.
Best Practices
  • The department believes that diversity of learners in respect of their background abilities and other personal attributes will influence the extent of learning.
  • Student centered methods are an integral part of the pedagogy adopted by the faculty
  • Experiential learning,    participative learning, and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences
  • To promote  experiential learning  the department  organizes field visits and industrial visits
  • To create a culture of instilling and nurturing creativity and scientific temper among the learners  the department has made project work an integral part of the curriculum
  • The Department elicits regular feedback from students on teaching and learning to make education more Lerner centered.
  • Continuous and comprehensive evaluation of the students in theory as well as practical is ensured as it plays an important role for the required modification in teaching-learning process.
  • The differential requirements of the students are analyzed through Continuous Internal Assessments and End Semester examinations and thus Bridge courses, remedial classes and tutorials are planned for the slow learners and under achievers.
  • The Department Conducts bridge courses
  • Bi-lingual explanation is given to the students as some of the Science students who come from vernacular medium.
Annual Reports