Physics & Electronics

Department of Physics & Electronics

About Us

The Department of Physics & Electronics had its inception in the year 1997-98 with the combination of B.Sc (Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science),as Physics as a core subject and subsequently Electronics subject was introduced in the year 1998-99 with the combination of B.Sc( Mathematics , Electronics, Computer Science). These courses are affiliated to Osmania University and it is a three year full time programme.

Department’s faculty members played an important role in development of Science Departments in sister institutes of HAES education society. The faculty have involved as a Committee Member for the preparation of Blow-Up of B. Sc(Electronics) Syllabus of Paper I,II,III &IV in the year 2006. Our faculty members use internet and other educational aids. Seminars are given by the students on different topics. Visit to industry and research institute help our students in their independent learning practices.

Student- teacher relations are very friendly due to which we can shape the carrier as per their ability and capability for better results and placements of students. The students accompanied by teacher constantly upgrade themselves by attending orientation courses, refreshers courses, workshops, seminars, symposia, conferences. We feel proud to say that all our students are employed in different fields like Industries, IT, Defense Services, etc.

As a social commitment teachers and students of the Department visit nearby villages (as a part of NSS programme), orphanage and Schools to help school children to teach about computers.

Continuous disciplined efforts of the faculty members’ results in providing the responsible and good citizens to society


To promote knowledge based Citizens with Scientific temperament and futuristic thinking.

  • To explore the functional & realistic aspects of the subjects.
  • To provide practical exposure to industry.
  • To foster employability skills.
  • To inculcate zeal among students to go beyond the curriculum and develop innovative ideas.
  • To build life skills through value-based education and service-oriented programs.
Best Practices
  • Engage students in active learning experiences through mini projects, field visits, learning with simulators.
  • Provide, use regular, timely Counseling with regard to regularity, studies and discipline.
  • Recognize and stretch student styles and developmental levels in presentations, preparations etc.
  • Seek and present real-world applications by Seminars/lectures/Workshops/Visits organized by other organizations.
  • Understand methods for student assessment –to conduct remedial /tutorial programme.
  • Create opportunities for student-faculty interactions.
  • Encouraging Hands - on Learning - Experiential learning through Observations, Mini projects.
Events & Activities
Annual Reports