Mass Communication

Department of Mass Communication

About Us

The Department of Mass Communication was started on 27th July, 2011 with the approval of Osmania University. The Department is offering BA Mass Communication and Journalism course. This programme enables the incoming students on mastering the tools of the digital-media technologies. The Department has a well equipped audio-visual studio. The audio recording studio consists of non-linear recording facility with Pro Tools. The Television studio has the latest technologies for online production. The computer lab consists of iMac5 computers.


To empower the students to meet the challenges of the global media market

  • To introduce the students to all areas that encompass the fields of communication.
  • To enhance and adapt their writing skills to suit the demands of various media.
  • To make the students proficient in different multimedia software.
  • To build in the students a strong foundation for theoretical concepts.
  • To build soft skills to tap into the market requirements for on-screen talent.
Best Practices
  • The Department conducts a National Film Festival every year which attracts students from colleges across India. The Pan-India event holds competitions under different categories of Shorts films and documentary films on various socio-political issues. The presence of Film makers, Actors and Television Personalities adds glitz to the event.
  • The students of the Department have year-round Field and Industrial Visits. Students are taken to Newspaper Publishing Houses, Television channels, Film Studios, Advertising agencies, Radio FM Stations and even participate in television shows. A minimum of two industry visits is planned for each batch for every semester.
  • The Final Year students work as interns in fields of their choice and interest. The mandatory Internships give the students a first-hand experience of the media Industry. The Projects and Dissertations equip the students with Practical knowledge. The students hone their employability skills with active guidance of the internal faculty assigned to them.
  • Eikona is the Official Photography Club of the Department of Mass Communication. The club organizes frequent competitions , photo walks to encourage students across all streams to take interest in photography. The club aims to explore new horizons through the eyepiece of a camera.
  • Gazetari helps students discover their passion for writing and reporting. The Team publishes Josepheights- a Tabloid run and managed entirely by the Department of Mass Communication. It publishes news, reports and events of the college and features the work of the students.
  • Lumiere is the Official Film Making Club. The club organizes film screenings and film appreciation lectures. The students are encouraged to script, shoot and edit short films and documentaries. Lumiere unearths the hidden talents in students to be film makers.
  • The college Radio Club gives students an opportunity to work with the campus radio and help them discover the endless possibilities Radio Jockeying offers. The club provides comprehensive knowledge on radio (working on/ hosting and handling the technical aspects of the show). The radio show is hosted every alternative day throughout the year.
  • The Department offers Certificate Courses in Photography and Public Relations . The Courses are aimed to complement academics with practical skills. With options to choose from the course enhances the employability of students. MOU is entered into with renowned institutes at National and International levels to offer these Certificate Courses.
Events & Activities
Annual Reports