Student Activities ~ Mathematics Club
Activities 2016-17
Power Point Presentation Competition
The Department of Mathematics & Statistics celebrated the National Statistics Day on 29th June 2016..The Third Year students of MSCS presented about various Statisticians in the field of Statistics using Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis,, their biography and their contributions power point presentations.

Poster presentation:
The Students of second year of MSCS participated actively in poster presentation on Statisticians-their Biography, Contributions, and Achievements like Prof. R.A Fisher on the eve of National Statistics Day.

Essay Writing Competition
As a part of Math Club Activity the Department conducted an Essay writing Competition on “MATHOPHOBIA BORN OR MADE” on 24th August 2016 . Nearly 60 students from various streams participated in the competition.

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics conducted a Quiz competition “IQ TEST” on 1st October 2015. The Event garnered a massive response and 102 students in 34 teams from various streams participated in this event. The Quiz competition was conducted in two rounds. A written test was conducted for 30 minutes consisting of 25 questions in the first round. 6 teams were selected out of 34 teams for the second round. The second final round was conducted to all the six final teams through seven rounds.

- General round consisting of one question to each team.
- Logic round consisting of three questions to each team.
- A Collage of nine pictures was given to each team
- Read out the colour round consisting of two questions to each team
- Guess Me round consisting of two questions to each team
- Just a minute round with one question to each team
- Rapid Round consisting of three questions to each team
All the questions of the written as well as final round were a measure of analytical reasoning ability which tested several factors of intelligence, namely logical reasoning, creativity, keen observation, lateral thinking and general knowledge and also ability to classify things according to various attributes.
The Prize Distribution Ceremony took place immediately after the quiz program. Principal Rev. Fr. Vincent Arokiadas congratulated the winners and distributed the prizes for the winners.
A Cash prize of Rs.1000 and a memento to each student was given to the
A cash prize of Rs. 600 and a memento to each participant was given to the
A cash prize of Rs.400 and a memento to each participant was given to the