
Department of Commerce

About Us
“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Every Journey invariably starts with a single step and the Journey to scale great heights needs unflinching grit and relentless efforts. With the same determination we had embarked on a Journey in 1997 by setting up Commerce Department with two courses of one section each i.e. B.Com (General) and B.Com (Computers).B.Com (Honors) was introduced in the year 2003. The department expanded from single section to double sections in B.Com (General) in the year 2002 and B.Com (Computers) in the year 2006. B. Com (Professional) Integrated CA and CS was introduced in the year 2012, B.Com (Information Technology) in the year 2015 and B.Com (International Finance & Accounting) in the year 2016. The Commerce department is the largest department of the College with annual average student strength of 1327.

The College attained Autonomous status in March 2011 and this set the department ablaze, constantly striving to offer relevant and updated courses with practical dimension to provide dynamic business environment with equipped Personnel. The department has adequate well qualified, competent faculty who are dedicated to the academic and overall development of the student community. The teaching highlights of the faculty of our department are Learner- centric, ICT enabled, Project based, continuous assessment and comprehensive & realistic evaluation. Our aim is to form young Men and Women of Competence, Commitment, Conscience and Compassion. We cultivate in students an uncompromising commitment towards enhancing the quality of life both at the organizational and societal level and also fostering passionate pursuit for academic and intellectual excellence. The most important asset of any civic society is its skilled manpower. Today, education is not just dissemination of knowledge, but equipping the students with appropriate skills and ability to take up new challenges for contributing to the society as well as fulfilling their career dreams. It is a matter of great pride that we find a Josephite in every office or firm holding a good position.


To train the students to meet the challenges of contemporary business environment.

  • To build the conceptual foundation in areas of commerce
  • To equip the students with accounting and entrepreneurial skills.
  • To enhance management skills and analytical thinking for a successful career.
  • To develop students for professional career in accounting, finance, research and higher education 
  • To build life skills through value based education and service oriented programs
Best Practices
  • Bridge Courses are conducted in first year to bridge the gap between the commerce and non commerce students. The objective is to lay foundation on the subjects and bring new ideas and thoughts in understanding the subjects easily.
  • Departmental Library is established where faculty and economically backward students can take the books for reference.
  • Entrepreneurship Development Cell was established with an aim to make the students a job creator rather than a job seeker. The cell conducts programmes to equip the students with entrepreneurship skills to start and run their own business initiatives.
  • Industrial Visits are organized with an aim to go beyond academics, provide students a practical perspective on the world of work and an opportunity to learn practically through interaction, working methods and employment practices.
  • Incremental Growth Records are maintained to know the academic performance and progress of the students from the time of admission till the completion of Degree.
  • Incremental Growth Records are maintained to know the academic performance and progress of the students from the time of admission till the completion of Degree.
  • Researching, writing, and Presenting Papers at National/International seminars/ conferences provides students with invaluable early experience in expressing ideas and an opportunity to exercise and improve both written and verbal communication skills.
  • Students are encouraged to become members of Commerce Club which is established with an objective to expose the students to meet the practical challenges in the current business scenario and also to develop leadership qualities and event management skills among the students. The club is active in organizing various events such as Business Quiz, group discussions, presentations, industrial visit etc.
  • To enhance practical knowledge among the students, Commerce Lab was inaugurated on 18th July 2008 by Prof. Purushottam Rao, Head, Department of Commerce, Osmania University. Students are provided practical exposure towards all possible topics in their curriculum through Commerce Lab. It is equipped with books, Journals, Magazines, CD’s and practical material which are useful to students.
  • Certificate Courses are aimed to complement academic achievements with practical skills and also to enhance the employability of students. It is mandatory for every student to complete two certificate courses and they are free to choose the course based on their area of interest. MOU is entered into with renowned institutes at National and International levels to offer these Certificate Courses.
Events & Activities
Annual Reports